fileseekback not working after update to 4.102
Eröffnet am: 2022-03-09 21:57
Letztes Update: 2022-03-11 00:45
Auswertung: | bugreporter2 | Verantwortlicher: | (Keine) |
Priorität: | 6 | Meilenstein: | (Keine) |
Typ: | Fehler | Schweregrad: | 5 - Mittel |
Komponente: | Tera Term Macro | Status: | Offen |
Lösung | Keine |
I am using teraterm and macros for years now and with the latest update I did from 4.90 to 4.106, one of the macros stopped working. I could narrow it down to 4.102 being the version where my macro breaks. At one point I am creating a new file, setting a pointer just after creation, then writing a few chars to it and the get back to the pointer and read out that line.
Now the following bit of code stopped working with any version newer than 4.101
As a workaround, I have to close the file I just wrote to and reopen it for reading
発生時期(4.101-4.102の間)からすると、一番関係ありそうな変更は r7292
この変更により、filecreate して書き込むのに使ったファイルハンドルを読み込みに使い回せなくなっていますか?