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setexitcode not working with windows 7 - Tera Term Ticket #33581 on OSDN


setexitcode not working with windows 7

Open Date: 2014-03-27 21:07

Letztes Update: 2014-11-03 21:11

Priority:5 - MediumMileStone:(None)
Type:BugsSeverity:5 - Medium
Component:Tera Term MacroStatus:Closed


Dear all, I try to use "setexitcode" in my batch file on a Windows 7 PC. However, I always only get value 0 back. Here is my code:

test.ttl setexitcode 1 closett

test.bat ttermpro /C=27 /M=test.ttl echo errorlevel= %ERRORLEVEL%

Console output from test.bat: errorlevel= 0

Could you help on that issue please?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Best regards, Thomas

Last Update of this Ticket

2014-11-03 21:11 Update by: maya

  • Ticket Close date set to 2014-11-03 21:11
  • Status Update from Open to Closed.
  • Resolution Update from None to Invalid.
  • Component Update from (None) to Tera Term Macro.

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