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Tera Term: Send File Pop up Windows - Tera Term Ticket #36748 on OSDN


Tera Term: Send File Pop up Windows

Eröffnet am: 2016-10-25 00:00

Letztes Update: 2016-10-25 00:00

Priorität:5 - MittelMeilenstein:(Keine)
Typ:FehlerSchweregrad:5 - Mittel
Komponente:Tera TermStatus:Offen


In the "Tera Term: Serial port setup" window, when "Transmit delay" "msec/line" is set to another value than 0 (zero); when sending a file on the serial line, the "Tera Term: Send file" pop up window closed immediately without the "Bytes transfered", "Elapsed time" and progress bar.

Letzte Aktualisierung für dieses Ticket

2016-10-25 00:00 Aktualisiert von: None

  • New Ticket "Tera Term: Send File Pop up Windows" created

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