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Provide Macro buttons or hotkey access - Tera Term Ticket #35287 on OSDN


Provide Macro buttons or hotkey access

Eröffnet am: 2015-06-26 19:31

Letztes Update: 2015-06-27 20:09

Priorität:5 - MittelMeilenstein:(Keine)
Typ:FunktionsanfragenSchweregrad:5 - Mittel
Komponente:Tera TermStatus:Offen


It would be nice to able to start macros from a button or by hotkey. The button should be configurable so that any macro (of any directory) can be assigned to it. Now the Control/Macro dialog only lets you select from a file. For repeating tasks this is slow and it also complicates the possibility to arrange macros in different locations because navigating to other directories is annoying.

Letzte Aktualisierung für dieses Ticket

2015-07-09 16:30 Aktualisiert von: None


Thank you, I didn't know that. But stil, configurabe buttons instead of hotkey access would be good. Because the hotkeys can nowhere be seen.

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